

stairs one step at a time Even if I thought I was climbing Before I knew it, I was down Even if I thought I was facing right The floor was slowly rotating As if I was looking to the right Unknowingly turning to the left This world at all Don't let your guard down or take any chances. sunshine towards spring Dandelions on the path along the river The yellow and green melt together As it is, the sky and the sea become blue The white that stands out against it is so beautiful Seagull chatter as BGM Go around the maze of conch shells I was lying on the embankment, dizzy. Dozing off to the repeating lullaby of the waves When I wake up feeling like I'm being swayed by clouds Inside the futon in my mummy room panic and panic Stare at the alarm clock After taking a deep breath A morning filled with a strange sense of security This world at all Don't let your guard down or take any chances.       “ 不思議絵 ” 一段づつ階段を 登っていたつもりでも いつの間にか下っていたり 右を向いていたつもりでも ゆっくりと床が回転してたりして 右を向いたつもりのまま 知らず知らず左を向いてる まったくこの世界は 油断も隙もないな 春に向かう陽射し 川沿いの小路にタンポポ その黄色と緑が溶けあって そのまま空と海の青になって それに映える白がとても綺麗で カモメのお喋りをBGMに 巻き貝の迷路をグルグル 目がまわって堤防に寝そべって くり返す波の子守唄にウトウト 雲に揺られる気分で目を覚ませば ムニャムニャ部屋の布団の中で 慌てて焦って 目覚し時計に目を凝らし 大きなため息ついてから ヘンテコな安心感に包まれる朝 まったくこの世界は 油断も隙もないな  