Flame into Being

Track byMomus

  • 2016.08.19
  • 5:22


Now the weight of the books has crushed my delicate fingers I'm not trying to be Paganini any more All I dream about these days is sex with strangers Rats in spats and bowler hats on the dance floor Some days my head is the turret for a machine gun And the world is torn apart by a hail of words In tongues of fire the rookie priest reads the lesson And I would like to quote him chapter and verse He said "I'm in love with everyone who knows it's hard To build a way of seeing Who knows that nevertheless that's the only way To flame into being" I was always the sucker that got led into temptation When I didn't have a job, couldn't pay the bills But stretch me out on your tasteless warehouse sofa And there or somewhere else I'll do your will Maybe I'll come out clubbing on a rainy night in Soho So many clichés have sentimental truth, don't you find? You be Judith and I'll be Holofernes Living with a beautiful woman I'm jealous all the time And I'm in love with everyone who knows it's hard To build a way of seeing Who knows that nevertheless that's the only way To flame into being So take me to the people who'll gratify my ego Because under the swagger I don't know who I am Caesar beware the ides of adolescence Here comes some new Brutus in black 501s, ha! From the pores of his skin you can smell the cappuchino And his avaricious eyes are shining like the sun Black bat night come down from your roost now And cover me with your wings Under my eyes I shall wear your engagement ring And I'm in love with everyone who knows it's hard To build a way of seeing Who knows that nevertheless that's the only way To flame into being But as soon as I decide that this is not the place for me to stay I feel currents that buoy me up and bear me away And burglars or writers will carry this love away too Don't regret this, just forget me, let me release you And as soon as I decide I'm more fertile or just more sober Maybe I'll think of you like a touching American film How I left you washing the face of our baby How whenever I live alone My hands and eyes work again And I'm in love with everyone who knows it's hard To build a way of seeing Who knows that nevertheless that's the only way To flame into being Yeah, I'm in love with everyone who knows it's hard To build a way of seeing Who knows that nevertheless that's the only way To flame into being



