
  • 2000.02.09
  • 4:15


そうあの時Miss Sにあおられ、気が付けば出遅れ、 感情は気紛れ 残ったのはただの抜け殻、 もういいから早く傷を癒しなよ 針のむしろでもがき苦しむ まるでこの世の終わりそうその通り 思考回路ショート寸前、 マジ、まいった蘇る現実に呆然 “Oh, no...I ain't gonna do that!”Alright! So you're the one with a heart of gold. But your pot's are calling the kettle black, and that's driving you against the wall. Hey! You gonna problem? Don't look me down, you fuckin' filthy fool. You don't have to remind me, bitch! I can...I can make my own bed. さえわたる知覚せまりくる刺客 おしよせる堕落結構ヤバイ幻覚 かわるがわる訪れる快楽の反動 容赦無い細胞達の暴動 耐えきれず狂い求め合う絶頂 なんてこった魔の洗脳記憶抹消 一体いくつになれば全てから開放? まだ続くの? この後遺症 “Oh, no...I ain't gonna do that!”Alright! So you're the one with a heart of gold. But your pot's are calling the kettle black, and that's driving you against the wall. Hey! You gonna problem? Don't look me down, you fuckin' filthy fool. You don't have to remind me, bitch! I can...I can make my own bed. (Hey, watch out! Here comes the cops!) I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I have my calm life back again? I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I be the way I used to be? Chicken! Let's go paint the town in red! Chicken! You'll have a really good time. Chicken! Let's go paint the town in red! Chicken! You'll have a really good time. そうあの時Miss Sにあおられ、気が付けば出遅れ、 感情は気紛れ 残ったのはただの抜け殻、 もういいから早く傷を癒しなよ 針のむしろでもがき苦しむ まるでこの世の終わりそうその通り 思考回路ショート寸前、 マジ、まいった蘇る現実に呆然 I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I have my calm life back again? I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I be the way I used to be? I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I have my calm life back again? I really feel like a fool. Trip! Can I be the way I used to be? So, whatcha gonna do today? Just stick around the house again? I'll see you fuckin' down there Hey, let's go get some wild thang! Maybe I'm as natty as a fruit cake!


Missile Girl Scootの人気曲

Missile Girl Scoot